Nate – artist, designer, coder, unitasker

60 Manchester Ct, Red Bank, NJ
+1 973 477 2576

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Angry Sunflower Collective

Ale Number 3. This limited, small batch brew was created in secret fermenting chambers somewhere along the Jersey shore. No ingredients or methods are released. You get it. You drink it. We detect a certain bubble gum aroma that belies its earthen color. There are crisp notes of mowed grass and compost heap with what we’re sure is Bavarian hops and black licorice. The nasty finish of wet mice and mint jelly top off the most angry offering yet from those underground ASC trolls.

Alcohol content: 9.0% by volume
Container volume: 12 fluid ounces
Fruit essence: None
Spice finish: None
Batch size: 996 cases

Brew type: Belgian ale

Brewed with bellicosity in Belmar, New Jersey.