Nate – artist, designer, coder, unitasker

60 Manchester Ct, Red Bank, NJ
+1 973 477 2576

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Email Design

A word about templates​

Bespoke email doesn’t scale. And at the same time, standard templates can feel very “2009.” The solution is to create a Design System that standardizes sizes, margins, buttons, header and footer layout, but leaves ample room for custom brand colors, typography and brand personality.

We build and use color, component and code snippet libraries to build email at scale across multiple brands with a team of 5 people. Our design system aided these Johnson & Johnson premium brands to be become more nimble and more responsive in their loyalty and CRM efforts:

Lactaid®, Band-Aid Brand, Johnson’s Baby, Tylenol®, Pepcid, Motrin and Aveeno®.